Wellness cafés open to all

Event date 25 May 2024
Date: 25 May 2024
Time: 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Duration: 1 hour

The NPCC Recruitment, Retention and Wellbeing of Investigators (RRWI) group are holding a series of Wellness Cafés that primarily focus on the wellbeing of secondary investigators and analysts but are suitable for anyone working in policing.

What does it cost?
There is no cost to attend this event
Who's it for?
Although primarily aimed at investigative roles these webinars are suitable for anyone working in policing.
How will the session be run?
What if I miss it?
The sessions are being recorded

We are delighted that the NPCC Recruitment, Retention and Wellbeing of Investigators, Secondary Investigators and Analysts group have shared these Wellness Café events with us, and have opened them to anyone working in policing. 

Taking place throughout the year the Wellness Café’s will be 30 minute online sessions featuring an input from a guest speaker and the chance for delegates to ask questions.

Each session will be recorded, so no need to worry about missing out, and participants will receive an attendance certificate to count towards your Continuous Professional Development.

The sessions

15 May 2pm: National overview

Dr Fazeelat Duran and Prof Jess Woodhams will share the work of the national group and the latest research

12 June 1pm: Spot the signs of burnout

Join Thames Valley Police colleagues Jacky and Dawn for an overview on the signs of burnout and steps you can take to prioritise your mental wellbeing.

9 July 10.30am: Optimising your workspace

Adam Maullin from the Met, will share top tips for creating the right environment for wellbeing, whether you work in the office or at home.

18 September 12 noon: Encouraging a caring culture

Dr Fazeelat Duran will be share research from trauma experts on fostering a nurturing culture that prioritises wellbeing.

25 October 5pm: Self-care

The Wellbeing Team of the Canadian Royal Mounted Police share their research into the importance of a selfcare routine and how to prioritise wellbeing during the working day.

You can register your place for any of the above sessions using the link below


About the Secondary Investigators and Analysts group

Led by Dr Fazelat Duran of Birmingham University, this group of practitioners are passionate about improving the wellbeing of secondary investigators and analysts (SIA). They are part of the national investigator wellbeing group within the recruitment, retention and wellbeing of investigator portfolio, and they share the latest best practice to help make a positive difference to police staff resilience.

Date: 25 May 2024
Time: 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Duration: 1 hour