National wellbeing survey

Each year we run our national policing wellbeing survey with the policing research unit at Durham University.

The aim of the survey is to give every member of the policing workforce the opportunity to tell us how they truly feel at work so we can build a really clear picture of what we need to work on.

2024 survey update

The National Police Wellbeing Survey, which was scheduled for 2024, will now not take place as planned.

We are very aware that there are multiple demands on forces to take part in surveys from different national programs, in addition to conducting their own. We understand that managing all these surveys can be overwhelming, not just for forces, but for officers and staff too.

It's critical to us that our surveys are truly meaningful. The results should help improve national initiatives and local force provision, but most importantly, they should be meaningful to officers and staff who need to see clear benefits from taking part.

To achieve this, forces need to be allowed enough time to analyse the results of existing surveys and implement any necessary changes to policies, procedures, or practices. This process is vital for bringing about positive improvements and it requires time.

Therefore, to be considerate of the current demands on police forces and to ensure our survey is effective and beneficial, we will not conduct the survey in 2024. We plan to run the survey in 2025 and will keep all forces updated on the next steps.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Previous survey results