Financial wellbeing is an area of significant importance for Police Families. The Metfriendly Police Family Finance Index Report – June 23 indicates that proportion of police respondents having financial concerns has increased from 74% in August 2022 to 86% in March 23.
Historically new recruits receive an input on the basics of finance and the importance of saving. Those leaving the service will also often get financial support and advice. The period inbetween can span a period of 30 years or more when the financial burden can be at its greatest. Historically courses have also been designed with officers in mind, any review should take into consideration the needs of police staff.
It is important that forces understand the financial pressure points that their people face and that they put things in place to assist such as webinars, presentations. It is also vital that the culture within a force allows individuals to be open about the financial difficulties they may have.
With benefits both to the force and to the individual, forces could review their financial education provision, with reputable providers who understand the unique pressures and circumstances linked to being a Police Officer. Oscar Kilo has pulled together some relevant information and you can find out more here: