Survey on driver fatigue - Final set of prize winners announced

Published 30 Jan 2024
Written by
Oscar Kilo
National Police Wellbeing Service
Reading time
3 mins

Thank you to everyone who has taken part in our survey on sleepiness and driving in policing. The final set of prize winners have now been selected. Please note: All prizes must be claimed by the 29th of February.

Prize Winners

The following have won a £100 Amazon voucher by taking part:   

Prize Round 1         

  1. ER414ST40
  2. gh583ap183
  3. am466fe40
  4. On202Oc233
  5. LD681MA59
  6. ea921ma92  
  7. IN563MA336 
  8. an772Ja71
  9. AM948MA85 
  10. rn279ap670

Prize Round 2

  1. on573se65 
  2. le718au118
  3. er408Au37
  4. ad230no109
  5. UN384AU176
  6. Re124Ma420
  7. ch709oc712
  8. RD270JU287
  9. IS402MA63
  10. LD021NO104

Prize Round 3

  1. RD0141310144
  2. WH397MA987 
  3. EN489JU103
  4. ck384no252
  5. er426no18
  6. ON296MA113 
  7. ry447Ma117
  8. up929juSY256DQ 
  9. rk093ju30
  10. en819er232

Reminder: Codes are created from the last 2 letters of the town you were born in, the last 3 digits of your mobile number, the first 2 letters of your birth month, and all numbers from your post code.

Is one of these codes yours? If so, please contact with the unique fact that you created alongside this code in the survey. We will then be in touch to send you your £100 Amazon voucher! All prizes must be claimed by the 29th of February. 

Thank you for taking part

We conducted this survey to learn about how sleepiness and fatigue affect you and your driving behaviours. Over 5,500 individuals took part in this survey and we are incredibly grateful to everybody for their time. Your data will help us create interventions that limit sleep-related road collisions in police shift-workers.

This survey was part of a Road Safety Trust funded project and is brought to you by researchers at Nottingham Trent University working alongside the National Police Wellbeing Service.