Suicide prevention and postvention

National suicide action plan

The national suicide action plan recognises that suicide in policing is an issue that deserves attention, and that more needs to be done to support police forces in reducing suicides.

The plan is endorsed by NPCC, Police Federation, Police Superintendents Association and Unison.

You can read more and access the plan using the button below

National suicide action plan

The Police Workforce Suicide Prevention Delivery Group (PWSPDG) has responsibility and authority within the remit set by the clinical governance group to:

  • Develop understanding of workforce suicide in policing and develop prevention opportunities, in-line with wider existing government and health guidance, and the NPCC Suicide Prevention Steering Group (NPCC SPSG) workforce
  • Develop the strategic response to police workforce suicide prevention and postvention through a national action plan
  • Provide a forum to exchange good practice, initiatives and approaches
  • Drive the agreement made under the Suicide Prevention Consensus statement and the follow-up recommendations in the ‘Next Steps’ document
  • Assist with embedding the suicide postvention toolkit