National OK9 network: East of England and London

Say ‘hello’ to the OK9 wellbeing and trauma support dogs and their handlers in police forces in the East of England and London.

These dogs are all members of the national OK9 wellbeing and trauma support dog network and are able to attend the aftermath of a major incident to support those affected by trauma. They also get the opportunity to attend national events and to support our wellbeing outreach service. 


Luna sitting on grass looking at the camera wearing her OK9 wellbeing dog jacket


  • Breed: Pedigree Black Labrador Retriever
  • Likes: Loves a back scratch
  • Favourite toy: Blue Kong Ball
  • Character / traits: Attention seeker - loves fuss and attention
  • Favourite food: She loves cheese and freshly cooked chicken

Luna's handler is PC Wayne Softley. Wayne is the wellbeing coordinator for Beds, Cambs, and Herts collaborated joint protective services. He has been a police officer for 21 years mostly within the roads policing unit as a constable, collision investigator, and family liaison officer.

Wayne said: "I am thrilled to join the OK9 team, I have had five bookings already and I’m only just up and running so I’m really looking forward to making a difference, My dog Luna is a tornado of energy and loves her fuss and playtime."


OK9 dog Mutley Bedfordshire


  • Breed: Maltese/Bichon Frise cross
  • Likes: His cousin, Ernie the Border Terrier, close contact with humans, holidays in the campervan and ice cream
  • Favourite toy: My slippers (normally when I am wearing them!)
  • Character / traits: Mutley is social and hates being on his own. Insists on going on his last walk with Ernie and loves preventing me putting on my police boots every single time.
  • Favourite food: Ice cream (not kidding)

Luna's handler is Mat Waters who has been a police officer for 24 years.

Mat said: "I have worked on various departments and am currently on the Health and Wellbeing Team in Bedfordshire. I have gone through so much throughout my career and feel very passionate about mental health and the wellbeing of staff and officers. I joined the police when stress was frowned upon. Now it is well recognised within the police but there is so much more we can do. I want to promote awareness of 'bottling up stress' and work closely with Mutley to prevent others falling into the same trap I did. Life is too short. ."


OK9 dog Rylie Bedfordshire


  • Breed: Cavapoochon
  • Likes: Retrieving a ball, cuddles and having zoomies.
  • Favourite toy: Balls and her squashy cow
  • Character / traits: Energetic, affectionate, easy going and loves to smile.
  • Favourite food: Fresh chicken, cheese, and any tasty treat

Rylie’s handler Craig is an Inspector with 22 years’ service, currently a Force Information Manager (Oscar 1). Craig has been lucky to work on several uniformed specialists’ teams and helped many of his colleagues dealing with difficult events. Craig spent two years as an Inspector on the Response Policing Unit where he was the wellbeing lead and helped introduce Trauma Impact Prevention Techniques.

Craig said: "Rylie is young and loves people, she loves a cuddle and a kiss if you’re lucky."


Holly the Labrador sitting on grass wearing a poppy bandana and her OK9 wellbeing dog jacket


  • Breed: Labrador
  • Likes: Cuddles and playing chase
  • Favourite toy: Cuddly Monkey
  • Character / traits: Has the best smile and puppy dog eyes
  • Favourite food: Can hear a cheese wrapper from a mile away, so has to be cheese

Holly’s handler PC Paul Roe has 28 years police service, 11 years starting with British Transport Police and then moving to Cambridgeshire in 2005.

Paul was diagnosed with trauma-related PTSD four years ago, and this is where Holly came into herself and they both started their journey on recovery and now actively promote PTSD in the emergency services and that 'it's OK not to be OK'.

Holly is a seven-year-old Labrador who is owned by Paul and is now fully accredited to the OK9 wellbeing dog project. Holly loves to give 'Paws Time' to officers and staff - well anyone she comes across.


OK9 dog Rufus the Working Cocker Spaniel


  • Breed: Working Cocker Spaniel 
  • Likes: Everything
  • Favourite toy: Balls and socks
  • Character / traits: Energetic, optimistic and affectionate
  • Favourite food: Bananas

Rufus' handler is Sarah, a chief inspector in the City of London Police with responsibility for neighbourhood policing and also strategic lead for preventative wellbeing. Sarah said: 

"Rufus is a bundle of energy and enthusiasm who loves life and people. He earns his keep as a working dog and in our spare time, we’re training to qualify as a volunteer search and rescue dog team, searching for vulnerable missing people across Hampshire and surrounding counties."


Dexter the OK9 wellbeing dog looking at the camera


  • Breed: Black Labrador
  • Likes: Meeting people, being fussed, walks, food and sleep
  • Favourite toy: Duck Teddy
  • Character / traits: Helping himself to tennis balls from Dad's rucksack
  • Favourite food: Lily's Kitchen organic range

PC Michael Sheather from the Met's dog support unit is his handler. Together they've completed nearly 150 wellbeing tasks and signposted 18 officers who needed support with their mental health. 

Mike said: “I have been a police officer for 28 years, during this time I have experienced challenges to my own mental fitness, caused by incidents/events that took place in and out of work. These experiences are what drives me to help others.”