National OK9 network: Fire and Rescue Service

Say ‘hello’ to the OK9 wellbeing and trauma support dogs and their handlers in the Fire and Rescue Service.

These dogs are all members of the national OK9 wellbeing and trauma support dog network and are able to attend the aftermath of a major incident to support those affected by trauma. They also get the opportunity to attend national events and to support our wellbeing outreach service. 


Freddie the Cocker Spaniel - Humberside FRS OK9 wellbeing dog


  • Breed: Cocker Spaniel
  • Likes: Cuddles
  • Character / traits: Very calm, his tail never stops wagging

Freddie is looked after by Lisa Smith from HFRS. Lisa said: "Freddie was from South Yorkshire Spaniel Re-Homing Centre after I had lost my young cocker spaniel to cancer. He is now 11 years old and is the most gentle loving dog which is why I knew he’d be perfect to be HFRS's first-ever wellbeing and trauma support dog.

"I worked as a vet nurse before doing my nurse training so combining my two passions, people and animals is like a dream job for me!" Freddie is available for staff visits/community events by getting in touch with occupational health admin."


OK9 dog Bronte - Lancs FRS


  • Breed: Labrador
  • Likes: Swiming, sandy beaches and snoozing.
  • Favourite toy: Anything soft and squeeky.
  • Character / traits: Mischievous and very persistent when it comes to playing. Loves little dogs and playing tug of war.
  • Favourite food: Popadoms and prawn crackers and very partial to a carrot from time to time.

Brontes handler, Davey said "It’s been an amazing and very rewarding journey with Bronte and OK9 over the last few years. 

"Being able to support collegues old and new with her and deliver wellbeing interventions, keep mental health and wellbeing at the forefront of people’s minds is so important and our four legged friends are the perfect way to help and brighten up people’s days."



Kellan the Greyhound standing in a field wearing his OK9 wellbeing dog jacket


  • Breed: Greyhound
  • Likes: Snuggles, cheese, leaning, people and other dogs, sleeping
  • Favourite toy: Squeaky ball, and a squeaky toy
  • Character / traits: Gentle and kind, rarely barks and very rarely growls
  • Favourite food: Sprats, cheese, and Greek yoghurt

Angie Jones is a health and wellbeing lead for the service. Angie said: "I have only been in post for a short while. I registered both my Greyhounds to be Pets As Therapy dogs pre-covid, so I know the fantastic impact support dogs have on people at times of worry or stress.

"Kellan is particularly good with people with high anxiety or stress as he is very calm and gentle which can be very soothing, whilst his projected strength is relaxing."


FRS Cavapoo Ronnie looking at the camera wearing his OK9 wellbeing dog jacket


  • Breed: Cavapoo
  • Likes: Balls, people, cuddles, walks, attention
  • Favourite toy: Rubber bouncy ball
  • Character / traits: Bubbly character, loves people and other dogs
  • Favourite food: Carrots, and dog treats

Ronnie's handler is Wayne Gale, a station manager currently working in operational response. Wayne is also part of the health and wellbeing team and the lead for Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) for the service.

Wayne said: "Although it's early days, I have found being an OK9 dog handler rewarding and am amazed at how Ronnie can change the mood in a room as well as get people to open up about mental health."


Bear the Labradoodle is looking at the camera


  • Breed: Labradoodle
  • Likes: Running, being involved
  • Favourite toy: Ball in a sock
  • Character / traits: Chilled, calming nature, hits you with paw if you dare ignore him
  • Favourite food: Tinned dog meat, chews and treats

Bear's handler, Clare, has worked within the London Fire Brigade as an operational firefighter for over 20 years. 

Clare said: "I jumped at the chance of becoming a wellbeing dog handler as I knew this would be an extremely rewarding opportunity not only for me and Bear, but hopefully for everyone we meet along the way. Bear has a kind, loving personality and always brings a smile to people’s faces. It is the perfect role for him."


OK9 dog Benji the Cavachon sitting on grass looking at the camera


  • Breed: Cavachon 
  • Likes: Playing,  chasing balls, having and giving lots of cuddles, being outdoors
  • Favourite toy: His squishy ball
  • Character / traits: Calm around people, loves human contact, talks to you in his little language using different tones and sounds depending on what he wants
  • Favourite food: Cheese

Benji's handler, Chris, is a sub officer with the London Fire Brigade.

Chris said: "I have had him since a puppy. He is a sensitive loving little boy and will definitely pull at people’s hearts with his big brown eyes. Benji will make a brilliant therapy dog, he has already shown how good he is when supporting a person with a neurodiversity. We are both proud to be part of this team representing the London Fire Brigade."


OK9 dog Buddy the French Bulldog


  • Breed: French Bulldog
  • Likes: Cuddles
  • Favourite toy: Squeaky Snake and shoes
  • Character / traits: Affectionate and mischievous 
  • Favourite food: Chicken and cheesy dog treats

Buddy's handler, Dave, has been at London Fire Brigade for 30 years and is currently station officer at East Greenwich. 

Dave said: "Having been given mental health support whilst in the job, I understand the importance of having good people to support you during the difficult times, and this is a good way for me and Buddy to give back. Buddy is a French Bulldog rescue from Dogs Trust and is a happy loving, playful, and sometimes mischievous dog who loves the 'zoomies'."

Freddie Fairfax

OK9 dog Freddie the Labrador laying on his bed looking at the camera


  • Breed: Labrador
  • Likes: Long walk, water, cuddles with any human
  • Favourite toy: Any ball, loves to destroy his teddys
  • Character / traits: Not a typical Lab - Freddie isn't interest in food, all he wants is fuss 24/7, very intelligent and is easy to train
  • Favourite food: Chicken

Freddie's handler, James, is a firefighter for the London Fire Brigade. 

James said: "Being an OK9 dog handler is exciting to me because I love to help others and make a positive difference in others' lives I think it is an exciting opportunity. I also love dogs and especially Freddie. Being able to share him with others I think will benefit them and of course Freddie will love it too. 

"Freddie loves to meet new people and is very good with children. He is very gentle and loves nothing more then a cuddle on the sofa. Freddie missed the memo on being a Labrador as is isn't interested in food at all."


OK9 dog Freddy the Cocker Spaniel sitting looking at the camera


  • Breed: Cocker Spaniel 
  • Likes: Beach walks, chasing squirrels, and anything for treats  
  • Favourite toy: Squeaky toys 
  • Character / traits: Placid, happy go lucky waggy tail, he communicates his wants through his big brown eyes 
  • Favourite food: Chicken

Freddy's handler, Terry, is a fire fighter with the London Fire Brigade.

Terry said: "Freddy brings a huge amount of joy to me, the family and everyone he encounters. He is exceptionally good natured and brings smiles and joy every day. We are both very proud to be part of the wellbeing dog team, and look forward to assisting and supporting colleagues."    


OK9 dog Hugo the Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla is sitting looking away from the camera


  • Breed: Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla
  • Likes: Loves a fuss, adores playing hide and seek, loves catching his frisbee
  • Favourite toy: Frisbee
  • Character / traits: Gentle, sweet natured, enjoys a fuss, loves a back scratch
  • Favourite food: Chicken, liver, cabbage, dog treats, broccoli stem

Hugo's handler, Sarah-Jane, has been a firefighter with the London Fire Brigade for 19 years. 

Sarah-Jane said" I believe wellbeing support is an important part of our job. I feel honoured and privileged to be in a position to help our emergency service colleagues. Hugo is a friendly family dog who loves to meet people. He is happy to play when someone engages with him, but knows there are times when he needs to sit and be a calming presence."


Koli is sitting on the ground looking at the camera wearing an OK9 wellbeing dog jacket


  • Breed: Newfypoo
  • Likes: Chin scratches and butt rubs
  • Favourite toy: An Ikea cat he found on a walk
  • Character / traits: Inherently lazy, loves to eat and sleep, loves chasing squirrels
  • Favourite food: Pizzle sticks

Koli's handler, Shelley, is a firefighter with the London Fire Brigade. 

Shelley said: "Koli is my semi-retired life saving boy. He helped pull me out of the dark depths of PTSD. He has arthritis so now accompanies Peggy and I on visits, where he works the room in his own time in his own way. He has a magic ability to form deep connections with certain people, and can win anyone over with his eyes."


Peggy is sitting looking away from the camera wearing her OK9 wellbeing dog jacket


  • Breed: Old English Sheepdog cross unknown (rescue)
  • Likes: Anything wet or muddy, and cuddles - or wet and muddy cuddles
  • Favourite toy: A stuffed donkey whose ears she sucks
  • Character / traits: Super friendly, high on life, slightly scatty loving girl who squeaks with excitement when she goes out to station to make new friends
  • Favourite food: Pizzle sticks

Peggy's handler, Shelley, said: "I’ve been a firefighter for 13 years and after my own struggles with PTSD and poor mental health, I’ve spent the last few years trying to make a difference in the mental health of others.

"I am passionate about affecting change within my service and supporting those in need. Nobody should struggle with their mental health alone. Being part of OK9 means I get to share the love, and almost magical positive effects of Peggy, on all those we visit."


OK9 dog Ruben the Border Terrier laying down looking away from the camera


  • Breed: Border Terrier
  • Likes: Walking in the woods, chasing balls, finding his toys
  • Favourite toy: Squeaky ball
  • Character / traits: Happy, cheeky, playful, attentive and loving
  • Favourite food: Chicken

Ruben's handler, Jamie, is a firefighter at Dockhead Fire Station in Bermondsey. 

Jamie said: "I'm yet to become an active dog handler as we are still waiting for the relevant insurance cover for our dogs, but hope to be rolling out in this role within the upcoming months. So far I've received the peer support training online via a teams meeting, however I'm still due to complete a mental health first aider course, suicide awareness course and shadow someone whose experienced and active in this role."


OK9 dog Ted the Working Cocker Spaniel sitting on a wooden floor looking at the camera


  • Breed: Working Cocker Spaniel
  • Likes: Walking, chasing balls and squirrels
  • Favourite toy: Monkey
  • Character / traits: Affectionate and keen to work
  • Favourite food: Chicken and cheese

Ted's handler, Marta, is a firefighter in Richmond, West London. 

Marta said: "I’m looking forward to bringing my spaniel, Ted, to work so others can benefit from my listening skills and his joy and enthusiasm. We are new to mental health first aid and dog handling but feel sure we can both help others to enjoy their work and personal lives."


Clare the white and black greyhound is standing in front of a fire appliance


  • Breed: Greyhound
  • Likes: Sleep, squirrels, running, belly rubs
  • Character / traits: Calm, friendly, gentle
  • Favourite food: Chicken and eggs

Clare's handler, Aston, is a fire safety inspector in Central. 

Aston said: "Clare is an amazing dog that has got me and my wife through some tough times just by existing and being there. I know she can do the same for others."


Coco the Cocker Spaniel sitting in a field between two other dogs


  • Breed: Cocker Spaniel
  • Likes: Attention
  • Favourite toy: People!
  • Character / traits: Cannot get enough of people. All people!
  • Favourite food: All food

Andy Nash is Coco's handler (Coco is the middle one in the picture).

Andy said: "I am the WBTSD SPOC for Norfolk. I am also the dog handler for urban search & rescue with Axel. My main role is watch manager of arguably the best watch in Norfolk."

Delilah (Del)

Delilah the labradoodle is sitting in front of a fire appliance


  • Breed: Labradoodle
  • Likes: Food and cuddles
  • Favourite toy: Marcel the monkey
  • Character / traits: Cheeky and playful
  • Favourite food: Cheese

Del's handler, Llio Wyn Knight-Griffith, is the prevention delivery manager at Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service managing road, arson reduction, and education programmes as well as home fire safety work for vulnerable members of the community. 

Llio Wyn said: "Del will always make people smile and I am proud to have her at my side when supporting colleagues after incidents. We hope to encourage conversation and wellbeing in others."


OK9 wellbeing dog Ginge the Cocker Spaniel sitting with a fire appliance behind her


  • Breed: Cocker Spaniel
  • Likes:  Food, food, and more food, and Cuddles
  • Character / traits: Needy, affectionate, may disappear for hours if chasing birds
  • Favourite food: Anything she shouldn’t have

Ginge's handler, Eloise (Elly), is temporary watch manager on White Watch in Control. 

Elly said: "Having had times where I've struggled, I've relied on the happiness my first dog brought me, so much so I thought two would make me doubly happy. Which is what made me get Ginge, she was a more challenging character than my first but also more affectionate. Because of her cuddly nature, I thought she’d be the perfect addition to the OK9 team. I’m hopeful that the benefit my dogs bring me can also help others."


Tilly the Terrier is mainly brown with white on her head and chest and she's sitting in front of a fire appliance


  • Breed: Terrier
  • Likes: Belly rubs (her favourite), walks, people and cuddles
  • Favourite toy: Any puzzle games
  • Character / traits: Small, loving, cuddly and fun
  • Favourite food: Chews - especially 'Yak chews'

Tilly's handler, Michelle, is the watch manager (Stalham Fire Station) and crew manager (learning and development at Bowthorpe Training and Development Centre).

Michelle said: "As an OK9 handler I enjoy taking my dogs to meet crews and I hope they bring as much fun/stress relief to the people they meet as they do me. Tilly loves everyone and everything! She’s the bubbliest little pup and has so much love to give. She can’t help but melt hearts with her cuteness."


Luna sitting on grass looking away from the camera


  • Breed: Cockerpoo
  • Likes: People, walks, and treats
  • Favourite toy: Penguin and tennis ball
  • Character / traits: Friendly, playful, cuddly
  • Favourite food: Chicken

"I’m David, a station manager with Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service. I am responsible for the training and development of our staff, predominantly new recruits.

"Within our recruit delivery, we discuss the importance of mental health and wellbeing specifically when it comes to dealing with challenging or traumatic events. So when the opportunity arose to become an OK9 handler, I volunteered, as it will be a great addition to supporting our colleagues through any challenges that they may encounter. Luna and I are looking forward to supporting individuals as part of the OK9."


OK9 dog Milo is standing in front of a fire appliance.


  • Breed: Chow Chow cross Terrier/Shih Tzu 
  • Likes: Sleep, play, and walks
  • Favourite toy: Duck
  • Character / traits: Stubborn, bit lazy, but friendly
  • Favourite food: Sausage, and crab sticks

Milo's handler, Bekki, is a fire investigation and protection officer (FIPO). 

Bekki said: "I'm new to handling but was inspired by the positive work OK9 is doing. I love spending time with my dog, Milo, and I see when we're on walks how much people enjoy meeting him and he loves to meet people and bring a smile to their face. He can seem aloof but will be anyone's best friend."


Pip standing on grass looking at the camera


  • Breed: Jack Russel cross
  • Likes: Treats, playing ball, cuddles, and belly scratches
  • Favourite toy: Anything that squeaks
  • Character / traits: Playful, small but mighty
  • Favourite food: Steak

Pip's handler is Michelle Lowe. Michelle is the watch manager at Stalham Fire Station and crew manager (learning & development) at Bowthorpe Training and Development Centre.

Michelle said: "As an OK9 handler I look forward to taking Pip out in the hope she brings as much fun/stress relief to the people she meets as she does me. Pip is full of life, loves to play and is a great listener. She is only small (often mistaken for a puppy) but she has a big heart."


OK9 Alfie Norfolk FRS


  • Breed: Cockapoo
  • Likes: Humans, walkies, tug toys, being in the car, following humans around
  • Favourite toy: Tennis ball
  • Character / traits: Very friendly with everyone he meets- rescue centre described him as a social butterfly.
  • Favourite food: Sausages!

Alfie's handler is Karen Rowley, the Culture and Ethics Manager for Norfolk Fire and Rescue.

Karen said "Alfie is enjoying being part of the OK( wellbeing gang because it means he is able to visit people, and he absolutely loves people. He often uses his pawsuasive powers to get you to share food with him, so a firm no is required if you don't want to share your lunch. He gets it, but that doesn't stop his eyes from asking... Alfie can be a little head-shy sometimes, but he definitely won’t say no to a gentle cuddle."


OK9 dog Marg Norfolk FRS


  • Breed: Labrador
  • Likes: Food, being a dog, human interaction, training, more food
  • Character / traits: Great work ethic, intelligent, great at following instructions, calm and steady, great listener.
  • Favourite food: All food

Marg lives with Bob Bickle a firefighter in the control room. 

Bob said "Marg is a calm and steady girl, so she is ideal for anybody who is a little nervous around dogs. She is happy to sit and have a fuss without being demanding and she is a great listener."


Oakley OK9 Dog Norfolk FRS


  • Breed: Springador
  • Likes: Swimming, long walks, shoots, treats, and cuddles.
  • Favourite toy: Stuffed Carrot
  • Character / traits: Curious and loves attention.
  • Favourite food: Cheese

Oakley’s handler, Vicky Spall is a firefighter on Blue Watch at North Earlham, and has been part of the OK9 Team since it started.

Vicky said: "Oakley is a curious dog who follows you around to make sure that he knows what is going on at all times. He loves to be outside running around at full sprint and his favourite thing in the world is any water that he can get into. At home, if he's not dropping carrot at our feet to throw he loves fuss and if he's not with his human he can be found cuddled up with his brother. 

"Oakley loves the attention he gets since joining our OK9 Team – especially when he receives lots of treats and cuddles! Together, they’re really looking forward to getting out more to meet and help more people." 


Missy is a black Cockapoo with some brown fur around her mouth. She is sitting looking at the camera.


  • Breed: Cockapoo
  • Likes: Being with people, muddy walks, and being on the paddleboard
  • Favourite toy: She loves her teddies, and has too many to choose a favourite from
  • Character / traits: 

    Relaxed in all environments, loves to snuggle, is very sociable, and always greets with one of her toys in her mouth

  • Favourite food: Any human food she can guilt you into giving her

Missy's handler is Ffion who works in the D&T department providing support for fire and police. Ffion said:

"I have had Missy from a puppy and she has been so loving and always wanting fuss from day one. Throughout covid, she came to work with me and I have seen the positive effect she has had on everyone she meets.

"People were coming into the IT office just to have a cuddle from her if they were having a bad day. I love that having a dog around gets people talking and makes people smile and I’m glad to be a part of it."


FRS Olive the Cocker Spaniel wearing her OK9 wellbeing dog jacket


  • Breed: Cocker Spaniel
  • Likes: Life, people, and Mark's shoes
  • Favourite toy: Tennis balls
  • Character / traits: Calm nature and a high level of emotional intelligence
  • Favourite food: Anything she isn't allowed

Olive was adopted by Mark in August 2020 from a Northamptonshire-based animal rescue charity after being seized by the Police under the Animal Welfare Act. She hasn’t let her difficult past stand in her way and is now loving life and enjoying being the first wellbeing dog for Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS).

She is having a positive impact on the employees of the service and loves the role and the attention and takes it all in her stride. Her calm temperament, love of people, and her aptitude to sense people’s emotions have meant that she is a natural in the role and is a welcome addition to the wellbeing team within NFRS.